Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like

Bicycle Race by “Queen”

Columbus, Ohio has great running/walking/rollerblading/cycling trails and I’ve been taking advantage of them as often as possible while visiting Hannah, Austin, and Liberty! 

I’m a people watcher even when I’m pedaling 13 mph on a bike and I’ve noticed that the people who are out riding their bikes or rollerblading are having the most fun! I’ve seen ladies who are at least 70 pedaling old fashioned bikes with baskets, obese men who have to ride with their legs spread out a really odd angle to accommodate their massive girth, and little girls wearing their ballet tights riding these trails. And everyone of them is having a good time!

And that’s what keeps them coming back to the trails. They are not exercising, they are kids again and they are having FUN!

Have you ever noticed that straddling a bike or strapping on skates makes exercise fun for must of us? I think it’s because it reminds us of our best childhood moments.  For me, riding my bike was my first taste of freedom… I rode down to the convenience store on the corner to buy cigarettes for one of our neighbors that we called Uncle Arthur. He let me keep the change to buy a coke or candy for myself! It was heavenly! Freedom and candy at the same time!

What about you? When is the last time you rode a bike or went skating?  Why not go this weekend and see what  childhood memory pops up? 


During the last several months, I’ve driven across the Mississippi River into the deep south and then over the Mason-Dixon line. During my travels, I’ve visited several churches with various worship styles and very different preachers. I’ve had the joy of listening to sermons told story-style. I’ve heard preachers who share their love of church history. And I’ve been screamed at to get my life right.

While the worship style has varied and the preaching styles have impressed (and failed to impress), I have noticed one thing that they all have in common.

These churches are filled with men and women who are sick and out of shape!

At one church I visited  the pastor even went so far as to tell his congregation that the body is insignificant because it will eventually die. Really?  Do you really think that God would have taken the time to fashion our bodies out of clay if they were insignificant? Did he fail to notice that all of the mornings prayer requests were for healing?

I’m beginning to wonder if it’s possible that the church is distracted from making disciples by our headaches, diabetes, heart attacks, etc.? Are we not worshiping in spirit and truth because we’re in pain?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We have no account of Jesus ever being sick! We read that he was hungry, thirsty, and tired but never sick! I want to be like Jesus in every way —- and that includes divine health!

I believe that it’s time for the church of Jesus Christ to get in shape physically as well as spiritually. We must represent Christ in body, soul, and spirit! Church, let’s agree that our bodies are a reflection of Christ in us for the world to see and decide to take care of them.


‘Keep me from lying to myself” — Psalm 119:29

During the last few months, I’ve had the opportunity to drive across the country, go above the Mason-Dixon line, and visit several churches. Everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve seen the effects of the Standard American Diet and the lack of physical fitness. I’ll be honest, it makes me sad when I see it in the malls, on the sidewalks, at gas stations, on the beach, and in restaurants. I think it makes me even sadder when I see it in our churches because I know that there is a better life for us than what we’re living. 

Jesus promised us much more than an abundant waist size – he promised us abundant life. And the truth is that the church is not living that abundant life because we are as overweight and out-of-shape as the rest of the world. 

And we, the church, are lying to ourselves about it. We justify being overweight and out-of-shape by saying things like:

  • The doctor tells me I’m perfectly healthy
  • I like myself this way
  • I can’t lose weight
  • I hate exercise
  • I’m not worth the time, energy, money, (fill in the blank)  to take care of myself
  • Being fit is not important to God, me, my spouse, my family……

I don’t think the Psalmist was talking about health issues when he asked God to keep him from lying to himself but we should be. 

Don’t you think it’s time for a little bit of truth in your life? You know it’s the truth that will set you free! Ask the Father to keep you from lying to yourself by taking a good look in the mirror.

  • Does your body represent Christ?
  • Are you in good enough shape that you can live that abundant life that Jesus promised you?
  • Are you watching life go by instead of living it to the fullest?
  • Are you able to go and do whatever God calls you to go and do? 


We all experience pauses in our spiritual and physical routines.

We find ourselves on a spiritual pause during those  times when it seems as if God is not listening and when we are absolutely positive that He’s not speaking. For me, these spiritual pauses are not a time when I try to build my faith but fall back onto the faith that I’ve built throughout the years. I remind myself of all that God had done for me when it seems as if He’s not doing anything at all. Sometimes the best I can do during a spiritual pause is maintain.

During these spiritual pauses, I have to be a wee bit more careful in what I’m reading, watching, and seeing. I don’t need to hear others complain about how God failed them in the past. (As if God ever fails!) I need to read books that encourage me to stand firm and not quit. And I really need to be careful what I’m watching! I have to feed my spirit what it needs to maintain it’s strength (joy!).Liberty

And right now I am experiencing a pause in my physical routine. I’ll just call this pause “Liberty.”

Truth be told, I’m not interested in going to the gym, running, or working out. All I want to do is watch her sleep, hold her when she’s awake, and spend my time loving her.

We’ve all experienced pauses in our fitness routines like this, haven’t we? We need to do exactly what we do during those spiritual pauses while  our pursuit of physical fitness is on pause.

We need to maintain the fitness we have gained throughout the years. For me, that’s throwing in a bike ride and jumping on the treadmill a few times a week. It’s doing a short full-body workout once or twice a week instead of going to the gym five days a week. This is not the time to increase my workouts, lose weight, or gain strength. It’s a time to maintain what I’ve gained.

It’s also important during these times that I become a wee bit more vigilant in my diet. I try to throw in a few more salads, eat more fruit for dessert, and drink a lot more water!

If you’re going through a spiritual or physical pause, don’t quit! Just choose a maintenance plan that works for you!

  • On Thursday I became a Grandma.
  • On Tuesday I rode my bike for 22.2 miles on the Olentangy Tail. 
  • On Wednesday I rode my bike for 12.16 miles on the Scioto Trail through downtown Columbus.

And I’ll be 50 in October. 

I’m not just talking the talk about aligning your spirit, soul, and body with God’s plan and purpose for your life. I’m walking the walk! Alright, I’m pedaling the pedals!

What about you? What are you doing to align your spirit, soul, and body with God’s plan and purpose for your life?